Saturday, August 21, 2010


Miley Jab Hum Tum Miley Jab Hum Tum is set in Excel College in Mumbai. This college has its own heartthrobs - Mayank and Samrat. They are completely opposite; where Samrat loves to get attention from all the girls in Excel College Mayank prefers to focus on his studies. The college also has its 'Queen Bee' which is Dia. Dia's two cousins, Gunjan and Nupur come from a rural town, known as Morena, to Mumbai and join Excel. As the show progresses, both Gunjan and Nupur find their place with the hip college crowd and find love interests in Samrat and Mayank. Mayank and Nupur start off rough as they always argue with each other and because of their egos but slowly fall for each other. Samrat and Gunjan start of as the closest friends ever but it all falls apart when Sheena enters. But Sheena's entry actually makes both Samrat and Gunjan realize how special their friendship is.Sheena eventually leaves the show after figuring out that Gunjan loves Samrat and that Samrat can't end his friendship with her. There is also a sidetrack where Dia's love interest, Rannvijay (also known as RV) tries to frame Samrat in a drunk-driving accident. He also manages to insult Dia in front of the entire Excel. He eventually ends up in jail.

They carry on with there lives but when Gunjan and Nupur's Bui decides to get Nupur married all hell breaks loose. Two new characters are introduced--- Suhaani and Adhiraj. Adhiraj is the college's new basketball coach and also the guy selected by Bui. Suhaani enters Excel with a 'fake' identity to hide the fact that she is related to Samrat. She decides to call herself "Nupur". Adhiraj mistakes her for the real Nupur and Nupur decides to use Suhaani so that she wouldn't have to marry Adhiraj. Suhaani and Adhiraj fall in love with each other. Mayank warns Nupur of the consequences of this deceit. When the truth comes out, it causes a rift between Adhiraj and Suhaani. Adhiraj thinks that Suhaani used him as a tool to get to her brother. Samrat also gets upset with Gunjan for keeping the truth away from him when she had known all along that Suhaani is his sister. Samrat is convinced by Mayank that he shouldn't keep an ego with his sister.

Everything seems well when Adhiraj steps into Nupur's house and asks for her hand in marriage to her Bui which the latter happily accepts. Lots of drama begins when Nupur has to face not only her Bui but also her father who misunderstands Mayank and is convinced that he is the incorrect choice for Nupur. Lots of misunderstandings occur when the truth of Mayank and Nupur is found out by everyone. Her father later gets them married but afterward admits that he doesn't accept this marriage. He believes that Mayank would not be able to take care of Nupur because he is not the right person. The journey of Mayank and Nupur along with financial problems is a bumpy one but with the help of their friends, all goes well. Mayank's mother accepts their marriage but is unable to live with them since she works in Bengalore.

Adhiraj and Suhaani confess their love and are now happy together. So are the other couples. But everything starts to go wrong when Gunjan thinks that Samrat is going to propose her for marriage. When Gunjan finds out that Samrat doesn't even want to get married her heart breaks. She leaves him at the Valentine's Day Party and gets shot by some guys who were trying to molest her. Adhiraj tried to save her but he was too late. Gunjan goes into a coma and the gang tries to pin down the culprit who happens to be the brother of a well known politician. While Gunjan is in the coma at the hospital, Nupur's father accepts her marriage with Mayank and forgives both of them and gives them his blessings. After a thorough battle Nupur finally succeeds in getting the wrongdoers arrested. So she becomes the hero and role model of Excel College. The gang also manages to make Gunjan walk again by using their own tricks.

After this a baby girl comes in the lives of all the boys- Samrat, Mayank, Benji, Adhiraaj, Uday are all panicked as a letter that came with the baby states that one of them is the father of the baby girl. They try to hide the baby from girls but are caught by them. The girls while suspecting their love interest plan a sting operation with the help of Tanya(a detective). Meanwhile the boys ask help from a detective named D4, to find out the baby's actual mom and dad. as the time passes eventually they all discovers that it was just a kind of prank played by Tanya and D4, as they were the host of some internet reality show. They make the excel hunks understand how to love and trust each other. All this drama end up with happy lovers having trust on each other more than ever. However, Suhaani's mother calls her back to London. She and Adhiraj eventually decide to break-up and Suhaani is extremely hurt. However, she doesn't know that this is just Adhiraj's plan. Just as she is about to leave for London, Adhiraj arrives and proposes to her. He leaves with Suhaani to London to spend the rest of his life with her. This is where Adhiraj and Suhani take leave of this show. The end of Adi and Suha's role in MJHT.

A famous director Neil Oberoi comes to college for auditions. It is known that he's an old friend of Nupur and Gunjan and he also has a soft corner for Gunjan. He chooses Gunjan to be the heroine for his film as Nupur was unable to come to the auditions because of her fever. Eventually Gunjan starts to trust Neil and appreciates the fact that he is such a good friend and that he understands and protects her. However, their growing closeness makes Samrat overprotective and this results in a tiff between the 2 lovers. Gunjan learns that Neil is in love with her by looking at his laptop. Later on all is resolved and Gunjan abandons her film career for her love.

On the other hand, Mayank and Nupur are both trying to sort out their life goals and ambitions. They both decided to enroll for the same job scholarship. They decide that they would tell each other when they get the scholarship, as a surprise present. Mayank and Nupur are constantly in the library and Nupur accidentally shows Mayank a book that talks about motherhood in attempt to conceal her real motive. Mayank starts panicking and starts thinking that Nupur wants to start a family. A few days later, Nupur gets a call from the person who gives out the scholarship saying that she has received. Mayank hears her talking on the phone. He hears she calling someone doctor and thinks that he is an actual doctor. Mayank thinks that she has gotten the news that she is pregnant. Panicked, Mayank starts to lose track of time. Because of this he misses his last interview for the scholarship and thus doesn't get it. Upset he returns home and has a row with Nupur about it. He is upset because she got the scholarship and he didn't because of the misunderstanding of the pregnancy. He blames all this on Nupur and Nupur says that they should spend some time apart. Mayank agrees to this and Nupur says that she is leaving for Delhi for a scholarship training camp.

Samrat proposes to Gunjan and she accepts. They consummate their relationship in one passionate moment. Meanwhile, Mayank and Nupur, now that their fight was sorted out, they retake their wedding vows to knit themselves more closer to each other than ever. Later on Samrat goes to buy a ring for Gunjan. He likes one however in a series of circumstances, the ring is sold to another woman. Samrat takes this as a bad omen. However, Nupur comes to the rescue! She dramatically coaxes the other woman to give her the ring. Finally Samrat and Gunjan get engaged and Mayank-Nupur decide to go to the U.S.A. As Samrat, Nupur, Mayank and Gunjan head towards the airport they meet with a tragic car accident, thus ending the season 1 of the serial. Making it one of the most saddest moments on Indian TV. It is shown that Nupur died in that accident, and since her death was Samrat's fault, Gunjan and Mayank hadn't been able to forgive him.

Miley Jab Hum Tum Season Two The story then takes a leap of three years starting a new season where new characters enter. Nupur died in the aforementioned car accident 3 years ago. Samrat who has now gone on to be the trustee of Excel College with his mom and starts living a lonely life, where he keeps remembering his love Gunjan who left him after his careless driving killed her sister. Mayank on the other hand lives with the illusion of having Nupur with him. He builds an accident safe car to avoid accidents like his own experience. Mayank also performs the yearly Barsi pooja for Nupur. Mayank gets an offer for the post of professor in Excel college,but when he realizes that Samrat is there, he feels that he will not be able to work at Excel College. He eventually joins as a professor there. He has not forgiven Samrat for his reckless driving which killed his wife, Nupur. Gunjan has also left Samrat because she blames him for killing her sister, Nupur. Samrat stops believing in friendship and feels that all those who are close to him leave him eventually.

Gunjan lives her life as a caretaker of a few orphan children. She counsels people as well. She is in touch with Mayank. She keeps remembering Samrat and Nupur. All three of them grieve for the loss of their dearest friend Nupur and the joy of their lives. Later in the show its shown that they did not find Nupurs body after the accident, it was only the dupata and mangalsutra. Ash goes to Gunjan to know what Samrats secret is and starts to call her di (though Gunjan is not aware of the fact that the boy Ash talks to her about is Samrat because Ash never says his name) but he often reminds her of Samrat. Gunjan feels like Nupur is back but as Ash. Ash (who is exactly like Nupur) likes Samrat and she tries to be what Samrat describes the girl he loved as. She doesn't know that it is Gunjan whom he loves. Mayank wants to forgive Samrat as he does not want Samrat to suffer any longer. Rohan(who is exactly like Samrat) is a guy who likes Ash. Rohan tries his level best to impress Ash. He tries to win Ash's heart through Gunjan. Ria, one of the four new characters (and also Rohan's sister) accuses Mayank of flirting with her just so she can get out of the college but Samrat believes Mayank and everyone in the college stops talking to Ria. Ria is exactly Dia (form season one) and she is paired opposite Nirbhai (who is exactly like Mayank). Whenever Mayank sees Ria and Nirbhai argueing, he is reminded of how he and Nupur used to act before they fell in love. Mayank, as a nice professor tries to help Ria, in being a nice girl and winning back friends. On the other hand, Samrat is planning a freshers party for winning Gunjan's love back.

Then Later in the serial Mayank goes to the library then finds out someone took Nupurs certificates. Dia (Navina bole) then shows up and tells Mayank that she has been having weird realizations and dreams about Nupur! On Dia's behest, Mayank and Dia go to the doctor that treated Nupur and find out that there had been a mix up in the hospital as there were two girls named Nupur admitted there. Then the doctor tells Mayank and Dia that it was Nupur Chowdhary that died and Mayank's wife, Nupur Bhushan Sharma is still alive and being treated in the hospital at that moment. But alas, when Mayank and Dia go to Nupur's room they find out that she was discharged a few days ago and nobody knows where she went. While going home, Mayank feels Nupur's presence somewhere in the market, and thus he begins a search to look for the love of his life, his Nupur. Samrat is ecstatic when he finds out about this but Gunjan is scared that it will turn out to be a lie and because of this she is being a huge piss off to everyone as she keeps trying to discourage them all. Also, Samrat and Gunjan were hugging in the bathroom and Ash saw them. Ash blames Gunjan for stealing the love of her life. When Rohan finds out that Ash loves Samrat, he gets really hurt. Mayank saw Nupur in the market and they stood face to face for a few minutes but Nupur sat in a taxi and went away.

Mayank got into a minor car accident and Nupur found him and took him to a hospital immedietly. Before starting treatment, the doctors asked him to sign the agreement papers which must be signed by a blood relative. She put's mayank's blood in her maang and responds to being his wife. Also, Samrat and Gunjan are in disbelief that Nupur is alive.

Later Samrat, Gunjan and Mayank find Nupur at a bus station where they're shocked to see her alive. They're even more shocked to see that Nupur doesn't recognise any of them. One at a time Mayank, Gunjan, and Samrat try to ask her if she doesn't remember them but she is adamant and says that she does not recognize them.Nupur then comes to their house to apologize for her rigid attitude and later stays after Gunjan insists her to.Gunjan,Mayank and Samrat try their best to make Nupur remember her past but she doesn't even take a notice and denies everything.Mayank,Gunjan and Samrat are determined to make Nupur realize that this is her home in seven days by doing alot of stuff like taking her to college and dressing like students they used to be 3 years ago.

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